Defined Learning Deeper Dive

Are you interested in taking your project-based learning practice to the next level? The CSDE, in partnership with Defined, will offer a professional learning opportunity for educators who have been utilizing the Defined Learning resources with students, or have been through introductory training (in-person or virtual) and would like to go deeper. This professional learning experience is designed to support Connecticut educators in leveraging the High-Quality Project Based Learning (HQPBL) framework and Defined Learning to shift culture, strengthen teaching practices, and bring deeper teaching and learning experiences to classrooms with considerations to career connections. We encourage you to invite your instructional leader to join you, and to bring any curricular materials or scope and sequence to help in the planning and preparation of Defined Learning performance tasks for use in your classroom.


Date & Time: March 19th, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST; Please plan to arrive 30 minutes early to ensure that everyone will get through security so we can start promptly at 9:00 AM.

Location: State Office Building, 165 Capital Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106; Ground floor rooms D & E

Parking: 315 Buckingham Street Garage (across the street from the building)



1. Introductions & Review

  • Question & Answer, Reflections, Challenges & Supports from previous sessions

2. Deeper Dive into Defined Learning

  • This is designed to provide further success utilizing Defined Learning. This will include engaging in reflections and collaborating with other Connecticut teachers.
    • Review Defined Learning and the various connections to Understanding by Design (UbD) and HQPBL
    • Deep Dive into implementation strategies while developing and using HQPBL in your classroom
    • Reflect and share the performance tasks used with teachers and/or students in your setting
    • Brainstorm and discuss additional supports that are needed for continued growth 

3. Lunch

4. Personalized Learning

  • We will use a Workshop Model to help participants focus their learning on what will be most helpful for them personally. Groups 1 and 2 will each be 45 minutes and will be offered twice. Participants can stay in the same group for both sessions or switch sessions at the end of the first session. Group 3 will be continuous and is designed for school leaders.
  • Group One:
    • Develop the Defined Learning task planning template for a specific performance task.
    • Exit the session with the participant finalizing the Performance Task Instructional Plan to guide classroom implementation.
  • Group Two:
    • Investigate the Defined Learning platform, features, and mechanics.
    • Customize and make edits to selected performance tasks.
  • Group Three:
    • School leaders will break out to discuss the best way to lay a strong foundation for PBL/STEM systemically.
    • Climate, Culture, Standards, & Practices

5. Wrap-Up

  • Review and reflect upon the learning activities and experiences for the day.