Defined Careers K-5
The K-5 Defined Careers projects allow students to explore different careers in their community and beyond. The elementary career courses have 16 units, which align with the 16 nationally recognized Career Clusters. The hands-on products provide opportunities to connect classroom skills to the real world.
Scroll below to view sample projects and learn more!
Defined Careers K-5 Courses
A collection of career related project-based learning content for grades K-5. Our elementary Defined Careers product includes tasks aligned to Career Clusters, Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship courses. Students will explore different careers in their community and apply classroom skills to the real world.

Click here to view a K-2 Business Management and Administration Course
You are a lemonade stand manager. You want to run a small business, making and selling lemonade in your neighborhood.

Click here to view a 3-5 Health Science Course
You are a vet assistant who takes care of animals. Your job is to help the owners keep their pets healthy and safe.

Click here to view a 3-5 Entrepreneur Course
You are an innovative entrepreneur who invents things to help make peoples’ lives better. As an innovator, your goal is to make chores easier.
Helping Students Prepare for the Future
Practical, hands-on learning opportunities are an essential componentof career education. Defined Careers allows students in grades K-12 to explore and experience hundreds of careers across all 79 career pathways through engaging, hands-on projects.
Online Student Portfolio
Empower teachers and students with an easy-to-navigate online platform that includes a portfolio of the students’ projects from year-to-year. The portfolio allows students to showcase and share their published work.

Your Customized Portrait of a Graduate
Your Custom Plan section helps districts establish student progress towards their Portrait of a Graduate or other college, career, and life readiness skills while also providing students the opportunity to self-reflect on their educational journey and progress.