Webinar: Empowering Educators and
Students to Meet the New Science Standards
The new science standards require educators to shift their classroom focus from transmission of information to application of knowledge through real-world experiences. While the benefits may be clear, how to achieve this has presented educators with a new set of challenges. In this webinar, leaders from one school district will explain how they shifted to an interdisciplinary approach to bring about deeper student understanding and achievement. During this webinar, two school district leaders will discuss:
How they created modular units that present real-world problems and provide opportunities to apply solutions
How district leaders empowered their teachers to implement authentic performance tasks that help students meet the new standards
The impact this shift in teaching and learning has had on student engagement and achievement.
Featured Educators:
Mellissa Douglas Dean of Elementary Literacy Rockford Public School District |
Kari Neri Executive Director of Curriculum Rockford Public School District |
Success Stories

The collection of performance tasks developed by Defined Learning supports the UbD framework for curriculum, instruction and assessment. Through the utilization of ‘real world’ performance tasks and related resources, teachers engage their students in meaningful learning and authentic assessment – and that is the best preparation for the world outside of school.
Jay McTighe