
Webinar: Empowering Students with Equitable Access to Career Experiences

With an upcoming school year different from any other, how can educators engage ALL students in career-focused learning that helps them build future-ready skills and create a pathway to a promising future?
In this complimentary webinar, education thought leaders will share insights and resources to help you provide ALL students with equitable access to career exploration and experiences.
Featured Educators:

dr. brown

Dr. Terrence Brown

Director of Career Education, Shelby County Schools, TN


Traci Davis

Superintendent for AASA’s Equity in Action Cohort and the AASA Howard University Urban Academy

anthony hamlet-1

Dr. Anthony Hamlet

Superintendent, Pittsburgh Public Schools, PA

john larmer

John Larmer

PBL Expert, Author and Co-Founder of the Gold Standard Model for PBL

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Dr. David Schuler

Superintendent, Township HSD 214, IL




Success Stories



The collection of performance tasks developed by Defined Learning supports the UbD framework for curriculum, instruction and assessment. Through the utilization of ‘real world’ performance tasks and related resources, teachers engage their students in meaningful learning and authentic assessment – and that is the best preparation for the world outside of school.

Jay McTighe