Welcome CT Educators!

The Connecticut State Department of Education is pleased to provide the Defined Learning and Defined Careers platform at no cost to all public schools in Connecticut. Defined Learning and Defined Careers provide the essential elements that educators need to engage students in real-world Project-Based Learning (PBL). We will be offering Professional Learning throughout the year to support Connecticut educators at all levels.

All K-12 public school teachers in Connecticut have access to these PBL Solutions:

  • Defined Learning (K-12): An online library of standards-aligned performance tasks that are searchable by grade, subject, and standard. The Defined Learning platform includes the essential design elements you need to implement high-quality PBL: career-focused videos to set the stage for the project, research resources, editable rubrics, and more! 

  • Defined Careers (K-12): Defined Careers is a career exploration and experience system featuring over 500 careers and over 1000 hands-on projects across all career clusters and pathways. Students experience careers by completing standards-aligned performance tasks on careers in their recommended pathways.

How do I access Defined Learning and Defined Careers?

Defined Learning will attempt to contact your district, but we also encourage district leaders to reach out to Defined Learning to schedule an Implementation call. Once your preferred method of logging in is established, teachers will access Defined Learning at https://users.definedlearning.com/signin/teacher, while students will access Defined Learning at https://users.definedlearning.com/signin/student. Defined Learning and Defined Careers works with login providers such as Google, Clever, and Classlink to provide easy access to the content.

Complete this form to get your school or district started on the platform or email Shemia Nimmons at Shemia_Nimmons@DefinedLearning.com




Register for our upcoming Professional Learning!

Novice Users:

For educators just getting started using Defined Learning or Defined Careers, join us for a day of learning at one of these sessions:

Experienced Users:

For educators who have completed at least one Defined task, we invite you to join one of our deeper learning sessions:

Community of Practice: Sharing Our Collective Learning

We invite all using Defined to join our Community of Practice to collaborate on integration ideas and best practices across Connecticut. The event takes place on 5/23/25 in Hartford. Register here!


Read the Research!

Learn how Defined's project-based career-connected learning experiences help students increase their academic achievement and build critical future-ready skills in Connecticut!

Case Study: Using Defined Learning to Enhance PBL Experiences in a Rural CT School District

Case Study: Using Defined Learning to Enhance PBL Experiences in a Rural CT School District

In this case study, learn how Stafford Public Schools in Connecticut incorporated Defiend Learning into their classrooms to enhance the project-based learning experience. Read the Case Study >

Research Study: Defined Learning Implementation in CT Schools 2023-24 Academic Year Annual Report

Research Study: Defined Learning Implementation in CT Schools 2023-24 Academic Year Annual Report

This research study investigated the implementation and impact of Defined Learning in Connecticut schools during the 2023-2024 academic year. Read the Full Research Study >


Research Brief: Defined Learning in Connecticut Schools

This research brief provides an overview and highlights the key findings from the 2023-24 annual report. View the Research Brief >

Getting Started with Defined Learning

For a quick 2-minute video of Defined Learning, click here or below: 

For instructions and additional resources to support your use of the platform, explore the Defined Learning teacher support toolkit.


Example Defined Learning Performance Tasks

Lemonade Stand Manager
Project-Based Learning
Grades K-2

Lemonade Stand Manager

In this task, students will learn about managing their own businesses. They will practice adding, subtracting, and making change to run their own Lemonade Stand. 
Aquarium Designer
Project-Based Learning
Grades 3-5

Aquarium Designer

In this task, students are asked to play the role of a structural engineer whose team of marine biologists and zoologists enter a contest to design the best new aquarium.
Tiny House
Project-Based Learning
Grades 6-8

Architect: Tiny House

In this task, students will create a scaled floor plan of a tiny house, calculate the square footage of the rooms, and determine the square footage needed for materials like siding, carpet, etc.
Structural Engineer: Roller Coaster Design
Project-Based Learning
Grades 9-12

Structural Engineer: Roller Coaster Designer

This task is focused on helping students understand how roller coasters conserve energy and convert energy from one form to another.

Getting Started with Defined Careers

For a quick 2-minute video of Defined Careers, click here or below: 

For instructions and additional resources to support your use of the platform, explore the Defined Careers teacher support toolkit.


Example Defined Careers Performance Tasks

In the third lesson of Defined Careers, students experience careers by completing real-world performance tasks that are based on careers in their recommended pathways.

Game Designer
Project-Based Learning
Grades 9-12

Game Designer

You are a Game Designer, and your role is to design a new character and storyline for a new Super Mario game.

Commercial and Industrial Designers Project
Project-Based Learning
Grades 9-12

Commercial and Industrial Designer

You are an Industrial Designer for Dick’s Sporting Goods. Your role is to develop and improve concepts for everyday outdoor products.

Project-Based Learning
Grades 9-12

Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters

You are a Pipefitter and Steamfitter for the Murphy Contracting Company. You will be responsible for designing and laying pipe for the Soccer Stadium.


Here is how to access your account: 


Shemia Nimmons
Phone #: (803) 322-0093