White Paper: Accelerate Learning through Meaningful PBL
Now more than ever, educators need better approaches for engaging students in meaningful learning that builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills –skills that will support them throughout their lives.
In this complimentary white paper from Defined Learning, you’ll learn what the experts are saying about how to best grow student engagement and accelerate learning during this unprecedented time. We’ll share research that supports Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a highly effective method and provide examples of districts that are effectively implementing PBL in virtual, blended, and in-person environments.
Success Stories

The collection of performance tasks developed by Defined Learning supports the UbD framework for curriculum, instruction and assessment. Through the utilization of ‘real world’ performance tasks and related resources, teachers engage their students in meaningful learning and authentic assessment – and that is the best preparation for the world outside of school.
Jay McTighe