Guide: How PBL Builds Portrait of a Graduate Competencies
When creating and implementing a Portrait of a Graduate (PoG), there is a lot to consider. A PoG outlines the competencies and personal qualities students should possess when they graduate in order to be successful in the world beyond school. One of the most effective ways schools and districts are embedding Portrait of a Graduate goals into their curriculum and instruction is through the use of project-based learning.
In this guide, you'll learn:
- The components of a well-rounded Portrait of a Graduate
- How project-based learning builds Defined's PoG competencies
- Strategies to help effectively implement a PoG into the curriculum
About the Author:
John Larmer is a PBL expert. In his 20 years at the Buck Institute for Education/PBLWorks, he co-developed the model for Gold Standard PBL, authored several books and many blog posts, and contributed to curriculum and professional development. John is now the Senior PBL Advisor at Defined Learning.
Success Stories

The collection of performance tasks developed by Defined Learning supports the UbD framework for curriculum, instruction and assessment. Through the utilization of ‘real world’ performance tasks and related resources, teachers engage their students in meaningful learning and authentic assessment – and that is the best preparation for the world outside of school.
Jay McTighe