Webinar: Supporting Your Career Initiatives Through PBL with Chickasaw City Schools
In this complimentary webinar, educators from the Chickasaw City Schools in Alabama will discuss effective ways educators can expand opportunities for every student to explore career clusters and pathways in a meaningful way through career-focused project-based learning (PBL).
In this webinar, you will learn:
- How PBL helps students move beyond career awareness and exposes them to a variety of career pathways
- How PBL provides students with meaningful learning experiences that will prepare them for a rapidly changing future workforce
- How Defined Learning’s online PBL resource helps teachers implement high-quality PBL in the classroom and remotely with ease
Featured Educators:
- Michele Eller, Ph.D. - Chief Academic Officer/Assistant Superintendent, Chickasaw City Schools, AL
- Megan Nichols - 5th-Grade Teacher, Chickasaw City Schools, AL
- Michelle Phillips - Computer Science Teacher, Chickasaw City Schools, AL
Success Stories

The collection of performance tasks developed by Defined Learning supports the UbD framework for curriculum, instruction and assessment. Through the utilization of ‘real world’ performance tasks and related resources, teachers engage their students in meaningful learning and authentic assessment – and that is the best preparation for the world outside of school.
Jay McTighe